My Gratitude and Ingratitude for COVID-19

During the worldwide pandemic, we have adjusted in different ways — some good, some bad.

Eileen Davis
3 min readSep 20, 2020
Man wearing mask jumps above bushes
Photo by Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash

Among Latter-day Saints, some share this idea that trials are a blessing. A group of women I associate with repurposed this idea: the growth from trials is a blessing. In this paradigm, I share what positives I see with our growth during the worldwide trial.

  1. We realize how meaningful physical affection and gathering together is. Thus, we look forward to when we have greater opportunities to gather.
  2. We appreciate technology more. Technology has kept many working, connected, and learning.
  3. Businesses and organizations recognize that more jobs can be done from home. Work from home options create greater flexibility for childcare and home locations. We have less pollution thanks to working from home.
  4. We appreciate the efficiency of gathering at the workplace.
  5. Many united in a worldwide fast to alleviate the effects of COVID-19.
  6. We connect virtually more with those who live far away. For example, my siblings, parents, and I have weekly Zoom gatherings. My husband’s family does too.
  7. We have serious discussions about the meaning of liberty.
  8. We appreciate simplicity more.
  9. Schooling has become more flexible with online options.
  10. We recognize the need to be healthy.
  11. We now express our creativity with masks.
Dying rose
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Naturally, there have been negatives with COVID-19. Here are some negatives I have observed:

  1. Bats. I hate bats who spread their cold to humans. Bats need to practice social distancing and wear masks.
  2. Sadly, many have suffered ill effects or death because of this disease.
  3. Many have succumbed to fear during this time. Some have forgotten to hope.
  4. Domestic violence has increased.
  5. Murders have increased.
  6. Anxiety and depression have increased. This has led to an increase in suicides and suicidality.
  7. Many lost their jobs during extended quarantines or lockdowns.
  8. Some politicians have leveraged the situation to infringe on their citizens’ rights beyond temporary emergency powers. Also, some preventive measures have been unequally applied.
  9. Some have engaged in blaming, shaming, namecalling, and passive-aggression. We can discuss without ad hominem attacks.
  10. Where incivility in our arguments occurs, enmity sometimes festers.

Instead of letting these negatives bring us down, we can seek growth from them. First, we can recognize the values of physical life and quality of life. Second, we can learn to be kinder and more patient during disagreements. And finally, we can address joblessness and mental health challenges. Overall, we can increase our resilience during this worldwide pandemic.

How has the worldwide pandemic helped you grow? What negatives do you see that we can overcome?



Eileen Davis

I love language and believe every word is a poem. I majored in English language from BYU. I am a mom to four rambunctious boys. I have bipolar disorder too.